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to our very own KIDS page!

We know there's a lot of online content out there, but let's do something TOGETHER!  Everything is better together!  

This page is designed to connect us all through silly collaborations.

-Oh and one teeny BASE reminder...

Take care of your WHOLE SELF!


Learn something new


Get your body movin'


Explore your talents

H A V E   A   L O O K   A R O U N D

Participate in any of our collaborations!

Join Us for this Creative Challenge

Creativity Challenge-01.png

Lets Get ARTSY!!!

Spring Bunny Project

with Ms. Karissa

Follow along and create your

own Spring Bunnies.  When you're

done, send them our way so we can collect and display!

Download the instructions here

Take a photo of your finished product!

When you have finished your art lesson, have a parent snap a photo and send it to  We are going to collect them and create a gallery that will be posted to this website!


Your BASE instructors miss your faces!!!
Submit your silly face photo to
Check back to see them displayed here!

Riddles and Jokes

How many months have 28 days?

What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?

All 12 of them do!

Your Name!

People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

A plate!

What travels around the world but stays in one spot?

Timmy’s mother had three children.  The first was named April, the next was named May.  What was the name of the third child?

Timmy of course!

A stamp

Submit your jokes to
Check back to see them displayed here!





If you don't have a cookie, use something else!
In this challenge, place a cookie on your forehead.  Move the cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands! 

More to come!!

Check back for submissions and for more silly content!!  

Ms Denise is working on a flash dance!!

Have another idea? Send it over!
This page is FOR YOU! We will do our best to incorporate your ideas!!

Learn more about

Expanded Learning Programs in CA

800,000+ K-12 students

4,500+ expanded learning programs

540+ hours of instruction time


What is


The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49.

© 2019 by BASE Programs

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