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About our organizations 

goals and vision

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Programs and Services Offered

B e f o r e   A n d   A f t e r   S c h o o l   E n r i c h m e n t   P r o g r a m s

21st Century Expanded Learning Programs

S i n c e  2 0 0 8

Creating Meaningful Experiences







Learning That Extends Beyond The School Day

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Supporting 21st Century Learning

21st Century Skills are common core competencies that help students succeed in today's world.
Imagination and Curiosity
Empathy & Global Stewardship
Initiative and Entrepreneurship
Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
Effective Communication Skills
Agility & Adaptability
Collaboration Across Networks

Intentionally Engaged Learning

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The Write Brain Project

Write Brain is a project based learning curriculum that allows students to become published authors, meanwhile learning creativity, collaboration, literacy and more!  These wordless books will bring out the author in us all.  We had the opportunity to pilot this program and with great success!  We continue to provide this curriculum to students!

...and beyond!

Our kindergarten class at Palmquist Elementary took the project to the next level by creating this digital book.  Students lead the entire creative process, from storyboarding the plot to creating the illustrations!

...and a whole lot of F-U-N!

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Gavin Our Hero

In 2019, one of our BASE Programs team members lost their beautiful son, Gavin.  Through the devastation, she was empowered to create a foundation that supports families who must endure similar hardship.  Gavin R Hero supports these families to stand tall and to see the light in a dark and sad situation.


Learn more about

Expanded Learning Programs in CA

800,000+ K-12 students

4,500+ expanded learning programs

540+ hours of instruction time

What is


The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49.

© 2019 by BASE Programs

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